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Получить ценуAlumina Industry Glossary Глоссарий терминов по глиноземной промышленности Les Termes de l’Industrie d’Alumine (f) – женский род (m) – мужской род А A/C ratio (alumina/caustic []AGAFONOVA AB, AGAFONOV VV ANALYSIS OF UNCERTAINTY AND RISKS CONSIDERED IN DECISIONMAKING ON COAL MINE PROCESS DESIGNS In article kinds of uncertainty and the risks, directly influencing a choice and a substantiation of design decisions ofГорный информационноаналитический бюллетень Miningscope of supply Русский перевод – Словарь Linguee,In our wide scope of services, we will both supply a single control panel for a hydraulic power unit but as well a complete control cabinets with PLC controllers, visualisation and archivisation of process dataThe article discloses the factors that have the defining influence on the efficiency of coal pit The main ones are the overburden coal ratio, the complexity of the conditions of mining, coal quality, availability of supplies, loadcarrying transport works in mining, the possible intensity of miningГорный информационноаналитический бюллетень Mining,,,,
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